The meditators in different states of consciousness have indicated the following feed back which is presented here to get an idea about the experience and realisations of them on the Path. The adepts are the Enlightened Beings and the Mahatmas are the ones who have transcended the limits of time and are out of death. The Initiates are the ones who have been revealed the Light and Sound and are moving towards the stages of Mahatma or Adept.
JM BHAT (Adept) SirsiIt gives a great pleasure to share that I could complete my Spiritual Journey leading to Stillness, complete Freedom, absolute Love, free from birth and death cycle and realised that Reincarnation is an illusion.
Meditation at initial stages helped me to come out of worries, sleeplessness leading to better health. While on Personal Mantra, came out of inferiority complex and my efficiency increased. Received Second initiation in 1999 leading to expansion beyond mind and was out of death gaining full confidence and dropping fear of failure.
Now having Enlightened and God realised, serving humanity.
PRIYA (Adept) ChennaiMy journey is an “Experiment with Myself” and consider myself wise enough to be in this Path as it fulfills the purpose of life, one hundred percent. The medium of experiment is Grace of the Living Perfect Master. The Environment to conduct the experiment is a balanced state of head and heart.
The aim of the Experiment is to solve the mystery “Who I am” and the stages of experiment: Breathing to Be-ness
Started Breath Meditation in 1995. Although I struggled to breathe properly could see the improvement slowly later. I observed that with Mantra, was able to relax as I found out that lesser the thoughts, more the relaxation. Thoughts and relaxation are inversely proportional. This relaxation gives a perfect foundation for the next stages.
With Initiation, realisations with the help of Light had left me perfectly stable with unshakable convictions. To transcend any limit, catch hold of something that is subtler than the existing limit and identify with it. Light and sound is the subtlest limit one can identify within creation. I am Beyond Gender. I am a programmer and not the software of my mind and Intellect. Grateful to the Master for making me complete the Journey.
KUSUMA (Mahatma) BengaluruStarted meditating eventhough was not aware of many spiritual aspects. Could sit only for about 10 minutes on breath as it was difficult. Slowly with practice, started feeling better and meditated for 30 minutes on Mantra. Received Grace of Master during Initiation in 2001 and after that began to practice for 1 to 2 hours. Meditating on Light and sound gave me more happiness. Initially was worried and afraid to drop rituals. Sometimes was feeling why I selected this path but persisted and did not leave the Path.
Conducted group meditation at our house once in three months and utilised the opportunity for practicing over three days in group and this gave lot of joy. Happy to say that 40 plus initiation took place here. Meditating in a group cannot be explained, as it needs to be experienced. On continuation, was blessed with Grace of Master leading to Second Initiation. I was taken beyond mind. Becoming one with Light and sound is full of happiness. Started feeling that meditating for three hours is not difficult at all and could be done easily. Now fear is reduced and in case of any difficulty, meditating helps to feel relaxed and able to find solutions and implement without tension.
Converting negativity into positivity has become easy. No word is adequate enough to thank the Master for taking me on this Path. Able to guide others to utilise this rare opportunity of meditating on Light and Sound, which is unique in nature to reach the goal of life – that is to realise GOD.
GIRISH (Mahatma) TumkurIt as a great feeling when received Initiation and though was transferred to many places across the country in my work, continued to be regular in meditation right from the start. Meditation has helped me to be more focused on the work at hand, help other meditators and translate the Path literature into Kannada with ease.
The Core Philosophy of the Path deals elaborately to dispel the fear of the Seeker on matters of Karma, Soul and Reincarnation, so that he or she can progress on the Path without getting stuck in any belief system of which most of it contradict the reality. Master is the source of enormous energy, he takes us from darkness to light, which helps us to realise a complete, permanent, self created State, thus completing our goal and journey of our life. We should be very much generous, grateful and thankful to him for the Energy, Love and Grace showered on us Unconditionally. Always willing to serve humanity for a greater cause.
SRIKANTH (Initiate) ChennaiI consider that if any Path/Marg fails to direct an individual towards realisation of Self, it lacks purpose and is a waste of precious time of the seeker. Master takes the responsibility of dispelling the darkness for a true seeker, by connecting him/ her to the Light and Sound, which is the spiritual his times and highly indebted for ever for his compassion.
My curiosity to know, ‘who am I’, was brought to end by the Master and his Path. Without a true Master, I was hanging with this question for more than two decades and in the year 2011 with Initiation, he gave me a new life, a life of true spirituality. Meditating regularly to complete the Journey
NAGAJYOTHl (Initiate) BengaluruOnce I started meditating, my mother in law was surprised to see me meditating for long duration & started supporting me. I used to finish all my household work, other obligations, then sit down to meditate. Due to this, I had no stipulated timings. I feel, once a person decides to meditate, all the people around him definitely help him. I think that’s the beauty of this PATH
I have realised that I enjoy freedom from the hassles of life, as long as I regularly meditate. So trying to put my life around meditation. I have very less baggage now. Deep breathing is very much helpful in breaking the habits.Thank you for introducing me to this Path. I have started conversing with unknown people too without hesitation.
My meditation journey started a few years ago. When I started to meditate, thought it is like any other Yoga or Pranayaam, but after sometime I realised that it is the perfect way to know who I am !
I achieve my goals in my life with ease and I have acquired capability to handle all my problems. I am energetic and gained full of positivity . The next goal is to meditate on the Light and Sound. Meditation helped me to reduce negativity in my life and in greatly increasing patience and tolerance. Will always help willing people to meditate.
MURALI (PM Aspirant) KolkataI have become more receptive to all the events whether good or bad. Have clarity in thought. Life has become more peaceful. Able to let go things which I used to hold on for longer. Most of the times I am positive. I can watch my thought carefully and change in adverse situations. I am more aware of situations and from my perspective, have to strive to know what is the purpose of my life
Happier than what I used to be. Thankful to the Path.